Myth Animals

Myth animals is a ceramic plaque installation in PS 212 in Queens. It was commissioned by the New York City School Construction Authority via the Department of Cultural Affairs. In Jackson Height, the buildings are very old. They are often decorated with gargoyles, and other creatures. I wanted my work to fit the theme of the neighborhood. I also kept in mind that PS 212 is an elementary school, and that my work had to appeal to children. So I decided to use mythological animals.


After my sketches were complete, I had to present my idea to a comity. They weren’t just artists, but people from the community as well. Luckily, they loved it. At the time, the school wasn’t finished. So, I had to walk around the neighborhood, and talk with the contractor. We discussed how the work would be displayed. When the school was completed later that year, I installed Myth Animals with the help of a tile mason.